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The function generates predictions for all models in a tidyfit.models frame and outputs a tidy frame.


# S3 method for tidyfit.models
predict(object, newdata, ..., .keep_grid_id = FALSE)



model.frame created using regress, classify or m


New values at which predictions are to made


currently not used


boolean. By default the grid ID column is dropped, if there is only one unique setting per model or group. .keep_grid_id = TRUE ensures that the column is never dropped.


A 'tibble'.


The function uses the 'model_object' column in a tidyfit.model frame to return predictions using the newdata argument for each model.

When the response variable is found in newdata, it is automatically included as a 'truth' column.


Johann Pfitzinger


data <- dplyr::group_by(tidyfit::Factor_Industry_Returns, Industry)
fit <- regress(data, Return ~ ., m("lm"), .mask = "Date")
predict(fit, data)
#> # A tibble: 7,080 × 4
#> # Groups:   Industry, model [10]
#>    Industry model prediction truth
#>    <chr>    <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Durbl    lm        -0.939 -0.22
#>  2 Durbl    lm         6.82   6.55
#>  3 Durbl    lm        -2.15  -0.24
#>  4 Durbl    lm         3.09   9.72
#>  5 Durbl    lm        -0.317 -4.84
#>  6 Durbl    lm         1.94   0.27
#>  7 Durbl    lm         3.69   1.19
#>  8 Durbl    lm         3.00   2.14
#>  9 Durbl    lm         3.26   0.93
#> 10 Durbl    lm        -0.814  1.93
#> # ℹ 7,070 more rows