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Basic functionality

The functions regress() and classify() provide basic modeling wrappers for tidy data.

Linear regression on tidy data
Classification on tidy data

Generic methods

The ‘tidyfit.models’ frame produced by ‘regress()’ or ‘classify()’ can be used to obtain coefficients or predictions.

Extract coefficients from a tidyfit.models frame
An interface for variable importance measures for a fitted tidyfit.models frames
An interface for variable importance measures for a fitted tidyfit.models frames
Predict using a tidyfit.models frame
Obtain fitted values from models in a tidyfit.models frame
Obtain residuals from models in a tidyfit.models frame

Modeling engine

The model wrapper m() standardizes a large number of linear regression and classification algorithms.

Generic model wrapper for tidyfit

Implemented algorithms

Adaptive Lasso regression or classification for tidyfit
ANOVA for tidyfit
Bayesian generalized linear regression for tidyfit
Bayesian Lasso regression for tidyfit
Bayesian model averaging for tidyfit
Gradient boosting regression for tidyfit
Bayesian ridge regression for tidyfit
Pearson's Chi-squared test for tidyfit
Pearson's correlation for tidyfit
ElasticNet regression or classification for tidyfit
Genetic algorithm with linear regression fitness evaluator for tidyfit
General-to-specific regression for tidyfit
Generalized linear regression for tidyfit
Generalized linear mixed-effects model for tidyfit
Hierarchical feature regression for tidyfit
Lasso regression and classification for tidyfit
Linear regression for tidyfit
Minimum redundancy, maximum relevance feature selection for tidyfit
Markov-Switching Regression for tidyfit
Neural Network regression for tidyfit
Principal Components Regression for tidyfit
Partial Least Squares Regression for tidyfit
Quantile regression for tidyfit
Quantile regression forest for tidyfit
ReliefF and RReliefF feature selection algorithm for tidyfit
Random Forest regression or classification for tidyfit
Ridge regression and classification for tidyfit
Robust regression for tidyfit
Bayesian Spike and Slab regression or classification for tidyfit
Best subset regression and classification for tidyfit
Support vector regression or classification for tidyfit
Bayesian Time-Varying Regression for tidyfit


tidyfit comes with a built-in financial factor returns dataset.

Industry-Factor Returns Data Set